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AI: The Secret to Automating Actionable Data and Insights

Now that I've given you a brief on what Artificial Intelligence (AI) could mean for the future of marketing, have you thought about the opportunities in which AI could support our efforts? In the last couple of weeks, I've become more and more intrigued by the concept. I've fallen into the "ideal" target audience for some AI-driven marketing solution whose ad often reaches my feed. That's due to my heavy use of the words "AI" and "marketing" in Google's Search Engine. After seeing examples of solutions that saw a gap and knew it was something AI could solve, I started to think about my role as a marketer and where else AI could fit. AI, as I mentioned in my previous blog, uses data and insights to do an action or even automate things. So, I think about ways marketers use data and insights to make decisions.

Out with the Old, In with the New

The traditional way in which we use data and insight to drive strategy, someone like myself would still need to physically act on those insights. For instance, when optimizing a website, you would look at user data such as what pages are visited most or how long do they look at a page or section. Based on that, you'd switch around content to the homepage or above the fold. That being all manual labour and time away from more important things marketers need to do. And you know how it is for marketers. It's a common meme that we do so much, wear so many hats, and don't have enough time.

Well, what if we automated such tedious tasks like moving certain containers (this term is for my web developer friends) automatically based on what the data suggests, preset prompts, using dynamic fields, and some

Boolean expressions. Remember, I'm not so technical so be kind as I may be butchering these terms. But imagine if AI could use data to automate actionable insights in areas like emails, websites, landing pages, ads, and so forth. Forget A/B testing where time is of the essence, and instead, automatically change copy as the data determines it a popular choice at the moment it is relevant.

For all I know, these tools probably exist or are being developed as we speak. If so, great because this is where the technology is heading and we need to catch up to it. If we don't catch up to AI, it can take our jobs away. Does that mean we need to learn or understand coding languages such as Python or Java? Potentially. But where I see us, marketers, fit is that you will still need a human to approve AI suggestions and constantly monitor it. With the tedious work covered by your digital assistant, you'll be able to focus on the real things that matter.

Let me know your thoughts! Do you see areas in which AI will start playing a role in marketing? Any emerging AI solutions that are already ahead of the game? Subscribe to our newsletter and catch the next blog, or send us feedback.


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